Netflix + Surface + Bike = Calorie Burn

I have a laundry list of TV shows people tell me I need to watch, yet I lack the time to indulge in such idle recreation. I have a BMI that screams for more time doing cardio, yet I lack the time to indulge in such active recreation.

HOWEVER, I have discovered that the Netflix app on my Surface is wonderful for watching said shows, whilst cycling away the pounds on my recumbent bike.

Two birds, one stone. As the man said: “Mission accomplished.”

I’ve already had more sustained minutes of moderately high intensity cardio this month than in all the previous — well, let’s not dwell on that. Move along.

P.S. — Penny Dreadful, FTW.

P.P.S. — As the Good Lord is my witness, I will not let Mark’s plan to do poolside gambling at 360 Vegas Vacation 4 next May dissuade me from dressing for the occasion without shame. #PrepTime

P.P.P.S. — It only took Murphy one whack to the head with a bike pedal to realize that [bike time] ≠ [play time].

P.P.P.P.S. — Yes, I realize that weight loss comes from calorie restriction. I’m doing that, too. #ShutUpPoindexter

P.P.P.P.P.S. — There are no more postscripts. Thanks for reading

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