Cycling Bliss

Yesterday I spent three full hours on my bike, navigating the heretofore unexplored wilds of the Kent Trails along the Grand River.

I took the long way.  From my point of origin near Standale, I rode south along Maynard and O’Brien to a spot near Milennium Park.  I toured the nice bike paths at the park before heading down Veterans Memorial Park Drive and finding pre-existing bike trails in a county wilderness preserve.  Who knew?

From Millennium Park, I ended up circling around a while until I arrived near the Coca-Cola bottling plant by John Ball Zoo.  I then turned around and rode to Grandville, to the trailhead of the West trail by the riverboat.  Then I rode back to the Zoo and toured the neighborhoods of the lower Westside until I took Fulton up the big hill to Lake Michigan Drive, and from there back to Standale. 

I was gone just short of three hours.  I have no clue as to mileage, but given the ease of the cycling and my time on the road, I’d guess I went perhaps 30-35 miles or so.

What was interesting about the excursion — which was recommended by my brother — was that Kent County has some very nice and very scenic bike paths that are a stone’s throw from where I live.  Nothing beats a quiet ride along the river on a nicely paved path, with the sun breaking through the dense forest canopy and not a car in sight.

I’ll have to do this more often!

Pursuing Greatness

Nothing like a kick in the teeth to start the morning off right. So there I was, minding my own business, browsing the periodicals rack at Barnes & Noble, when suddenly — my eyes fell upon the cover of a magazine, the dominant image upon which was Zac Sunderland [blog], a 17-year-old from California who recently […]

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The last time I did a comprehensive reset to A Mild Voice of Reason was February 2006.  In the intervening 40 months, I have published to this blog a total of 246 posts eliciting 130 comments, for a total of more than 100,000 words. A series of vexing behind-the-scenes database errors prompt the third major […]

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Jonah Franklyn, 1:07 a.m.  4lbs, 3oz.  17″. Gradey Mahlon, 1:11 a.m.  4lbs, 17.5″. Kingston Lyric, 1:17 a.m.  3lbs, 15oz.  17″. Jess is doing fine, only four stitches.  The doc said they triplets were the “biggest and healthiest pre-term babies he ever delivered.”  Technically, they were due July 27, but we got them to 31 weeks. […]

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Then There Were Eight

A quick update: It had been decided for a while that Ryan was going to take sole and permanent custody of the baby that his half-brother and his girlfriend were about to have.  Well, she delivered … twins.  Much to everyone’s astonishment.  I got to name the boy (Liam) and Ryan and Candace named the girl […]

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Marshmallow Quads

Picture it:  Your humble correspondent, resplendent in cycling attire including helmet and cycling shorts and technical top, made a 19.3 mile jaunt around Ottawa County this morning, clocking in at an underwhelming 1:45 over moderately hilly terrain. Starting at Wilson and Leonard, I went east on Leonard to 48th in Lamont, then took 48th to […]

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Bad Day

Friday sucked. It was my brother’s birthday, which was cool.  Ryan and I each got him a separate card and gift certificate.  After I dropped off the cards, I picked up Brian and Candace’s daughter, Katie, to do some shopping and have dinner. Around 5 p.m., pulling out of a parking lot on 28th Street, […]

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Til Now

I haven’t written much on this blog lately; my time has been spent doing other things.  But I’ve got a bit of free time, so … herewith an update. Biggest news:  No more twins.  Nope.  Now, we’ve got triplets.  Yes, three.  Not one baby.  Not two babies.  THREE babies, confirmed by special ultrasound two weeks […]

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