
A few items of interest.

  1. For the first time since before Easter, I went back to prison to lead a Communion service.  The guys were warm and friendly.  My reflection was on the way that we persecute ourselves through overzealous conscience.  I think it resonated well enough with the inmates.
  2. It seems that I’ll be heading back to Southfield next weekend, to help move Pretty Pretty Queen and the Prince Consort into newer digs.  Nothing I enjoy more than schlepping boxes … than in schlepping someone else’s boxes.  🙂  (Just kiddin’, Em.)
  3. Speaking of boxes … was the first “full” week in the new office space at the hospital.  I was forcibly relocated from my spacious sixth-floor office (with a dynamite view of the downtown area, including the Grand River) to the center of a butt-ugly cube farm.  Your gentle blogger is somewhat less than amused by this turn of events, and is protesting by spending the bulk of each week occupying hotel spaces at other hospital facilities.  On the bright side, the move — plus some very awkward internal office politics — has generated a detailed, open, honest, and direct conversation about my future at the hospital, with my senior director.  We’ve got a good understanding of where we’re both at, and will reconvene soon for some final decision-making. 
  4. Well, I did get the official paperwork completed to be officially certified as an open-water diver.  I think I’ll do some diving again in a few weeks.  Fun!
  5. Andrew had some car trouble earlier this week — I’m glad I had the opportunity to assist him.  Luckily, it was just a torn fuel line, but still, he did have to have the car towed, which isn’t exactly a barrel of monkeys.
  6. Enjoyed a lovely dinner at Hop Cat last night with [redacted].  And to think … we didn’t even talk about how her Hillary got shafted by an unqualified black man.
  7. I installed openSUSE 11.0 on the second major partition on Ye Olde Laptop.  I really like it, although KDE 4 is buggier than I’d expect for a major final release.  On the bright side, this version of openSUSE has the 2.6.25.x kernel, so getting Broadcom wireless working was a breeze.
  8. Old people don’t know how to drive.
  9. Fr. Roc seems to have learned about my Vegas excitement.  And Sharon knew about my ear thingy … I wonder if she reads this blog?  I wouldn’t be surprised; she’s surprisingly smart for being an RN. 🙂

All for now.  Happy first day of summer!

… Like a Stone

OK, so.  Yesterday, I finished the last two open-water dives necessary to obtain my initial certification.  Woo hoo, right? Well, I had another little glitch.  At one point, long story short, I ended up sinking like a stone from the surface to the bottom, a drop of roughly 20 feet. Doesn’t sound like much, does […]

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Yay for not dying!

OK, so a bit melodramatic.  But here’s the story:  I was doing one of my open-water certification dives at Baptist Lake.  As the dive began, I found it increasingly difficult to breathe.  I even nearly started to panic — I just couldn’t draw a full breath. At the surface, things didn’t get better.  I was […]

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Politics: Depressing

Friends know how much, historically, I have been a politics junkie.  As a lifelong Republican with a political-science degree, I have tracked the goings-on in Lansing, Washington, and across the Big Blue Marble with a mixture of hope and optimism. No longer. My disillusionment started in early 2006.  I began to feel that the GOP […]

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Dad of Divas

I recommend a visit to the newly active blog of my friend Chris.  His focus is on fatherhood, and family issues from a male perspective. I’ve known Chris since we were freshmen together at Western Michigan University.  He’s a “good egg” and I heartily endorse and support his new blogging interest — may it fill […]

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Backward and Forward

The week or so I’ve been back from The Happiest Place on Earth has not been without its own share of adventures. Spent last Friday/Saturday with Andrew, watching more fun movies from his mammoth collection.  Nice getting to know him better. Watched a series of major, unhappy changes unfold at the hospital over the last […]

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Have you ever started downloading a large file, only to have the progress bar stop at 98 percent?  I have.  And this forces a decision:  Abort and retry?  Wait and see if the transfer resumes?  Scream at your monitor?  Give up? Feels lately like I’m at 98 percent.  A lot of pots are bubbling on […]

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Vegas II: Reflections

One of the great things about Las Vegas is that it’s a people-watchers’ paradise.  Consider this a field report. Vegas is decidedly heterosexual.  There weren’t many singles, and the male-female pairs strongly predominated.  We saw perhaps two lesbian couples (they were holding hands), and no two-male pairs that suggested anything other than hetero friendships.  The […]

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Vegas II: The Retrospective

I returned this morning from another four-day extravaganza at The Happiest Place on Earth:  Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.  And with what better company than Mad Cow Tony? Herewith a chronology of the last seven days. The festivities began in earnest on Friday.  I went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull […]

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It’s been a lousy 72 hours. Some of it was great.  Yesterday, I finished the confined-water portion of my open-water scuba class — three full hours in the pools at East Kentwood High School, in 4-to-15 feet of water.  The open-water dives, at Baptist Lake in Newaygo County, will happen next weekend.  That’s cool.  And […]

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