
Lately, the chief correction I’ve been receiving from my various karate instructors (primarily the Wise and Mighty Shihan, and Sensei Chris) is to "relax."  I’m told that I have waaaay too much tension, and that this is working against me.

In a purely academic sense, I recognize and concede the point.  A person who is tense tends to telegraph his next move — especially when an opponent can read the visuals hidden in subtle shoulder and hip movements, or when he’s skilled in touch-reference reads — and sacrifices speed and power because the tensed muscle has to be released and re-tasked, which takes time and energy.

OK, so I get it.  But I usually can’t feel the tension.

I don’t dispute that it’s there; those who see it are skilled in such things.  What has prompted some reflection, though, is my difficulty in identifying the tension and correcting it.

Before I changed things up a bit in early 2005, I lived such a high-stress life that my expectation of what constituted stress was sharply adjusted upward.  After I left the Herald and grad school, it took me months to be comfortable just coming home from the hospital and not have to do anything.

I thought I had kicked the stress habit.  But perhaps not?

Another thing to work on.

Update, Take 23

Vacation week — I only spent a day and a half in the office. Met with Tony on Tuesday for marketing work, and did some new-business counseling with Rick on Thursday.  I hope Rick seizes his potential opportunities with gusto, for the future might not be so welcoming. Rescheduled diving training to mid-April, in Grand […]

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I am quite pleased with progress this week on my new business venture.  Not only do I have all the legal stuff resolved, but I’ve put together a great Web site and promotional materials.  I’m half-way through prospecting for the "writing for publication" list, and will be preparing a direct-mail package for, at first, local […]

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Fantasy, Three Feet Distant

So, I was sitting in an undisclosed location yesterday, working on some promotional brochures for Tony’s law practice.  At the table next two me, two drop-dead-gorgeous women were drinking coffee and chatting merrily. As the pair prepared to leave, they joined hands, leaned over the table, and kissed each other with copious tongue for, oh, […]

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Been an interesting few weeks since my last post. My planned trip to Key Largo for diving has been modified.  Instead of heading to Florida, I’m staying in Michigan, but taking most of next week off to do marketing work for my new consultancy — http://www.gillikinconsulting.com.  Will be working with Tony and Rick on some […]

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Does the 21st Century Really Blow?

A link in a USG post to an article at Cracked.com, titled “Seven reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable,” contains some interesting germs of truth.  The general points of the essay include: We don’t have enough annoying strangers in our lives. We don’t have enough annoying friends, either. Texting is a shitty way […]

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The Three Weeks of Emilie

Be glad and rejoice, mere mortals, for whether you know it or not, we are amidst the Three Weeks of Emilie. Tony and I began our celebration of America’s Favorite Newlywed with a trek to the East Side last weekend; after a quick eye appointment with Dr. Mr. Emilie, we went to the happy home […]

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A friend who shall remain nameless sent to me today a link to a YouTube video of some commie folk singer who doesn’t much like capitalism. You know the drill:  For reasons that are never quite made explicit, capitalism is cold, heartless — nay, even immoral.  Why?  That’s never articulated with any semblance of reason; […]

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The more I think about some communication issues at work, the more I reflect on whether there are serious — and often unexplored — differences between age cohorts or formal generations that contribute to workplace angst. Consider the following (very generalized) differences between people in my general age group (25-35) and those in my parents’ […]

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Energy, Whoa!

Since I’m in a loquacious mood this evening … One of the struggles I’ve had to deal with after massive weight loss has been balancing my energy, both intake and expenditures.  My endocrine system really hasn’t adjusted well to not having as much to regulate, so it’s been a delicate task to walk the line […]

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