Ethicus ergo sum

As the secretary of my hospital’s biomedical ethics committee, I’ve had the privilege of working with many members of our health care team to ensure a high degree of moral propriety regarding the care of our patients.  It’s been a privilege, and a great learning experience, to serve the community in this fashion.

One observation about my experiences is worth sharing publicly.

Many people with little or no formal ethical training seem to believe that because they have a personal sense of right from wrong, that they are therefore fully qualified to render complex opinions in authoritative manner on any question related to moral philosophy.

Some issues that arise in the practice of applied moral philosophy in the hospital space can be difficult to parse.  Matters of autonomy, justice, beneficence — these aren’t simple subjects to think through, especially for those who have no background in thinking them through.

The degree of deference people will provide to a physician or a nurse is very real and very appropriate.  The degree of deference people provide to those with a background in moral philosophy is practically nil.  Is this a good thing?  A bad thing?  I’m not sure, but it seems to be a very real phenomenon.

Another Day in Paradise

Update: Yoga is more difficult than it looks. Who knew those useless out-of-the-way muscles actually had a purpose? And that they could ache for two days after being stretched? It appears that I have automotive-related sadness in my future … transmission trouble looms. Uh-oh. Hooray! For the first time ever, I got wireless networking under […]

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A few things of interest: I called Duane yesterday to chat; we conversed for two full hours, probably because — with the recent storms in California — he is without electricity and Internet access.  His semester ended well, though, and now he’s working on his thesis. I signed up for yoga yesterday; I am taking […]

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WoW + Karate = Life Lesson

Duane used to laugh at me; back in "the day" (i.e., 2006) when we played World of Warcraft at the same time, I’d level a character through the mid-teens, then I’d get bored or frustrated and roll a new character.  My reasoning was always the same; I’d come across an inherent weakness of my current […]

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Retrospective; Prospective; Perspective

Today is the last day of 2007.  Tomorrow is the first day of 2008.  Worth some words. Retrospective It’s been a great year, in terms of values clarification.  As I go back and read entries from the early months of 2007, I think that the “where I am” position from a year ago has changed […]

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The end of the year approaches.  Herewith the final general update of 2007 for the widely read and closely parsed Chronicle of Jason. Hooray for me!  Today I received word that my entry on "interpenetrated design" was final-accepted for inclusion in the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods.  The write-up was 900 words of the […]

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Windows Live Writer

I just downloaded Windows Live Writer — lets me add blog entries without having to log into my site and typing in WordPress via the browser.  This is a test posting. A link to the site. A Microsoft Virtual Earth image of the building where I work — it’s a bit old, as the tunnel […]

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