In Passing …

A few items of interest —

  1. I really haven’t been doing much of substance lately apart from working, going to the dojo, and going to the gym.  My evenings and weekends have been occupied, but too rarely with matters of substance. 
  2. I successfully tested today for the last stripe for my orange belt; in mid-January, I should test for green belt, which will mark an escalation in my training.  White, yellow, and orange belts get away with a bit less discipline than the green, blue, and purple belts.  Brown belts are in the final stages of preparing for shodan.  This intensification, combined with the very same escrima training that has left my arms bruised today, has presented some fascinating opportunities to learn about human physiology.
  3. Thanksgiving was pleasant.  My adorable little nephew, Kyler, wanted to play with “Uncle Jay” the whole time, which was great but for his respiratory cold.  I solemnly assure you:  No amount of advanced infection-control training can prevail against an infected 3-year-old who wants to play.  Also, I used the opportunity of the downtime that day to watch all three Indiana Jones movies on DVD.
  4. After much cajoling, begging, and pleading, Rick was finally elevated to the lofty status of 0.8 FTE in my workgroup.  Which is better than 0.4, I guess, although I will still mock him for being 80 percent of a man.  Rick’s change in status will be helpful when we really ramp up our performance analysis and improvement plan early next year.
  5. Speaking of Rick, I had the opportunity to meet his delightful female companion, Sondra.  The three of us went to a late showing of The Mist, and then went to Steak & Shake for dessert.  He has done well with her.
  6. Last weekend, what should have been a friendly dinner with Tony, Emilie and Jon in Lansing morphed into “Jason and Tony go to Southfield so Tony can get an eye exam from Dr. Jon before retiring to Jon/Emilie’s for early cocktails in anticipation of dinner, followed by several rounds of drunken board games.”  T-Bone and I ended up spending the night in their living room, then going — of all places — to Big Boy for breakfast before returning to Lansing and Grand Rapids.  The hospitality in Southfield was well worth the drive, of course.
  7. I’ve welcomed the chance to assist the diocese in preparing the cathedral for Advent and (next weekend) for Christmas.  The Cathedral of St. Andrew is a beautiful old church, and being able to bring some order to the chaos is quite satisfactory.
  8. Stacie and I finally got together for her long-delayed birthday meal a few weeks ago.  Went to a nice little place near Cascade, then went to the mall for some shopping before parting ways.  She certainly challenges me to think of things in new ways, and as always, I treasure those all-too-rare occasions when we cross paths.
  9. My director received her long-awaited promotion to senior director.  This means the hospital world will continue to be marked by “interesting times.”  Probably some opportunity for development in my workgroup, a change that’s long overdue.
  10. I recently finished The Voyager’s Handbook by Beth Leonard.  It’s a thick, hardcover tome dedicated to blue-water sailing, with an emphasis on living aboard a boat and doing substantial, long-term passagemaking.  One of the best books I’ve read in a while, and I felt a bit sad as I wrapped up the last chapter last night.  I’ll have to see if Rachael wants to read it.


Of Foundings

There’s an excellent article in the December edition of First Things about the “two foundings” of America — the political foundings of the War of Independence and the Civil War, and the religious foundings of the Great Awakening and the growth of voluntarist Protestantism during the mid-19th century. The thesis of the article, in short […]

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Whoa … mid-November already?

Wow … already the second half of November! Enjoyed a lovely extended dinner yesterday with the ever-so-gracious director of Pastoral Services for the diocese.  Looks like I’ll be picking up more “work” at the cathedral — some sacristy responsibility for episcopal liturgies, and worship coordination for the spring series of Confirmations.  I enjoy this service, […]

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Miscellaneous Crap

A handful of observations: This autumn in Michigan has been absolutely delightful.  Lots of sun, reasonably warm weather.  The colors are just beginning to turn — lovely. It’s been about two weeks since I’ve moved.  I’m sleeping better, but it’s a bit strange, as if I’m living in a hotel. We finally deployed the Performance Analysis […]

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I’ve taken the MBTI twice in the last six years, and both times I scored solidly INTJ.  Turns out, there’s an online network/forum for fellow INTJs … which seems contrary to the personality type.  Hahaha.

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Four and a Half Years

At about 1 a.m. this morning, I locked the door on my apartment at Kellogg Cove for the last time.  I moved in to that complex in April 2003.  When I did, I was met by an exceptionally sharp leasing consultant, a quiet community, and a great location near the 54th Street ramps to US-131 […]

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A Tale of Three Books

I’ve previously written about a pair of books — Jared Diamond’s Why Sex Is Fun and Brian Greene’s The Art of Seduction.  To these, I add a third:  Mystery’s The Mystery Method. These three books, each in their own way, present an eminently rational but somewhat counterintuitive approach to male-female relations.  Diamond’s little book explores […]

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Viva Las Vegas!

Well, I survived a four-day, three-night excursion to Fabulous Las Vegas only to be stymied on the day after my return by food poisoning; I “ran for the border” for lunch on Friday only to be stopped by the INS, with the consumed food being deported whence it came via three explosive episodes over five […]

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“Project 810”

Few are as pitiable as the person who sets aside his dreams too quickly, acquiescing to anonymous mediocrity with total, if wistful, submission.  We all know the type; the big dreamer who, in the face of adversity, merely gives up — surrendering to the life of a normal person in a normal suburb with a normal wife […]

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"Project 810"

Few are as pitiable as the person who sets aside his dreams too quickly, acquiescing to anonymous mediocrity with total, if wistful, submission.  We all know the type; the big dreamer who, in the face of adversity, merely gives up — surrendering to the life of a normal person in a normal suburb with a normal wife […]

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