
Every now and then, I like to dust off the DSLR and go for a photo walk. Most of my early photosets were all shot with my aging Nikon D3100 camera with either my Nikkor 18-55mm lens or my Nikkor 70-300mm lens; I’m now on a D7100, with a Nikkor macro lens I bought from my friend Mel. The Instagram pictures were taken either on my Nokia 935 Windows Phone or my iPhone 6s+/X/12.

My Instagram feed follows the photo galleries, so scroll down for current slice-of-life vignettes.

Almost none of my photos have humans in them. This is not because I’m a loner or because I hate taking pictures of people. Instead, it’s a reflection of the fact that I haven’t sought license agreements from anyone, so publishing photos of them publicly without compensation or authorization is both legally risky and, well, a bit creepy. So you’re getting curated, mostly-human-free versions of my photography.

Photo Galleries

Please click a gallery to open its photoset. Click any photo to render it in full-screen mode, with options for slideshow advance and to reveal image metadata.

Meijer Gardens (September 2021)

In late September 2021, my dear friend the Dr. Rev. Col. S. "Roux" Rousseau, Esq., visited Grand Rapids. We had a great time visiting casinos, drinking fine adult beverages, and conversing about the important things. Part of our time was spent at the Frederick Meijer Gardens -- and a selection of my photos from that excursion are represented in this gallery.

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